Cleaning after crimes

Cleaning after crimes

  • A Quick Checklist of Items to Cover With a Builder's Cleanup Company

    Hiring a builder's cleanup company is not like hiring a residential maid service or office cleaners; after a home or other building has been constructed, there will be plaster and cement dust, bits of caulk and tile, and other such materials that need addressing that you wouldn't normally find in a residential home or office. A builder's cleanup is also typically more detailed than a standard home or office cleaning, which is why you want to create a checklist of items to cover with any potential company.

  • Why Your Business Would Benefit From Professional Office Cleaning

    Many people will full-time jobs will spend more of their time in the office than even their own homes. Therefore, if you would like your employees to be productive, you would have to provide them with a clean working environment. Nevertheless, you will find some business owners consider professional office cleaners an unnecessary expense. Instead, they will choose to delegate these chores to their employees in an attempt to keep operational costs down.

  • Simple Hacks to Deep-Clean Your Carpet

    It's never a bad idea to hire professional carpet cleaners once in a while to deep clean your home, especially when you're preparing to move out of rented accommodation and want to avoid additional extortionate cleaning charges. However, you can't hire professional cleaners every time you have a spillage. If you're interested in green living then you may want to avoid using unnecessary harsh chemicals and it never hurts to have a few handy methods up your sleeve to clean up carpet stains as they occur, and freshen the fibres every once in a while.

  • Tips On Removing Household Bleach Stains From Carpet

    If you've ever spilt household bleach on your carpet, you may think that it's a terminal accident that spells disaster for your poor floor covering.  Don't panic!  There are two ways to tackle bleach spills, providing that you act promptly.  Read on to find out how. What you'll need clean water paper towel mild washing-up liquid white vinegar clean cloths How to do it These methods are both effective at tackling household bleach stains.

  • Tips On How To Manage Common Dirt Nuisances

    Maintaining a spotless-clean house can be easy, except for the common dirt nuisances that people often don't know what to do about them. Sometimes the solution to common cleaning headaches is a simple tip, only that you don't know about it. Below are great tips you can use to clean out common dirt nuisances and maintain a spotless house. Marble Cleaning  Marble stains are among the most annoying cleaning hurdles people face.

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About Me
Cleaning after crimes

When you work with residential properties, you see so many different things, and not all of them are nice to see. Sometimes tenants leave properties when a crime has been committed, and it can be messy and unpleasant. It's my job to organise a cleaning service to get the property spotless again so that it can be rented to a new tenant. It takes special attention to detail to do a great job. This blog has some tips on how to find a great service to get a property cleaned after a messy crime has taken place. I hope you find it useful.